
Know which team members are most active, which projects have bottlenecks, and how many open tasks left to be completed. Rindle’s real-time reports cut across every team and project to summarize key activity whenever you need it.

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Reports graphic image

Overview Report

This report provides an overview of new, open, completed, stale, and overdue tasks for a project in a certain time range. It also contains a graph that visualizes your team’s performance, the top 5 active users, as well as the 5 lists with the most tasks allowing you to see bottlenecks.

Rindle overview report screenshot
Rindle users report screenshot

Users Report

The users report shows the number of new tasks, open tasks, completed tasks, incomplete tasks and stale tasks per user in a certain time range. Get down to the details with a per project breakdown within each user report.

Projects Report

This report shows the number of new, open, completed, incomplete, stale, and overdue tasks for a each project in a certain time range. Track activity within each list of each project.

Rindle projects report screenshot

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